Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Lifting and more lifting

Attended my first cardio class since signing up with Priority today. I would have never made it without LeePin's encouragement. Was feeling a bit tired and super hungry after work. And not to mention the traffic jam.

I was a few minutes late, but I made it to the class. The instructor was a cute lady who is super fit (what else?). The class started with some jogging with hand lifting and variation of jumping jacks. Then the dumbbells started. LP showed a lot of foresight by putting aside 2 sets of 1 Kg dumbbells for the two of us. So, the lifting started. Up this way, up that way, half way up & down. Some push ups in between. Some squats. Lie down, then lift somemore. Then started with the abs. Crunch, crunch. Crunch with the dumbbells. Crunch with leg lift and the dumbbells.

By the end of the class, my arms were mushy... but my happy hormons were coursing through my veins... so, I'm loving life!


  1. bengchin, that happy hormons is called adreline..lah. This doesn't sound exhausting at all, come, join me for cycling...benefits got; cardiolah;build musclelah;fresh airlah;nice scenarylah;lengchai lah....

  2. Beh, I was talking of endorphins... Not so much adrenaline for this...
