Sunday, August 28, 2011

Mun Hoe Birthday

Venue: I-Avenue Tsuruya
Date: 24/8/2011

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Durian Season.....(榴连飘香的日子)

I am coming for durian, don't block my way!!!

Durian feast...... happy eating....

We are durian eater... our mission is to clear up the durians.....heeee...


Chris 的真情告白:我跪在现在和过去的交点,是的,当初我应该吃你。二十年虽然漫长,今天决定了!结束那一段无知的岁月。。。


谁的手??? 丫。。。Ah Soon 的玉手。。。

Go go.... for durian...

Yeee....... Great durian eater!! don't you see the table???

Under durian tree for durian feast...

The master was teaching durian opening skill


Now you see.....

Now you no.....

力拔山河 气盖世 拔你不开 死不休。。。。

死崽!搞搞震。。。。is me KenYong :p

Ah Soon 姐刚刚多了一个名衔:榴连西施。有冤报冤,请找Chris.....

买榴连uncle, 世界难捞,难免要兼职。。。

嘻!嘻! 卖榴连啦!!!好卖力噢!

David: 洗刷刷 洗刷刷

Ah Soon 姐在一番的激战后,痛定思痛,决定练成江湖上传说中的绵掌秀腿以化解令人闻风丧胆的脂肪毒,所以带了她的高徒走入山野,在一个不知名的池里,苦练两分钟。。。。
(独家报导: KenYong)

Yeah! Mission accomplished...... settled over 20 durians.... 我瘦不代表不能吃

~ By KenYong~

Saturday, June 4, 2011

BC Loke Prewedding

Venue: Teluk Bahang End of the World
Date: 4/6/2011

Goy's New Born Baby

Friday, June 3, 2011

The upcoming event........Kenyong wedding

Hi all my friends,

As requested from the members, I have to update my status in the blog..... Yup, there will be my big day on this coming Sunday (5th of June 2011).

My schedule summary as below

3rd of June - Alor Setar Wedding Dinner

4th of June - Wedding Eve, Ceremony to end my bachelor life

5th of June - Reception day and Penang Wedding Dinner, officially say goodbye to "Single"

From: KenYong......

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tung, EanCheng, Goy Birthday

Venue: QB Shabu Shabu
Date: 31/5/2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Saturday, May 21, 2011

ME Yield Gathering

Venue: 1st Avenue Red Box
Date: 21/5/2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011

BC Loke Birthday

Venue: De Title Lorong Selamat
Date: 10/4/2011